Temple Beth Hillel Boy Scout Troop 36 has announced its annual Merit Badge Midway, Sunday, November 9, 2008, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, at the synagogue, located at 12326 Riverside Drive, Valley Village, CA 91607, in the Cahuenga District of the Western Los Angeles County Council (WLACC).
This Merit Badge Midway assists the WLACC Jewish Committee on Scouting to meet its goals of serving the Jewish Scouting community, assists the Cahuenga District and the surrounding community with overall rank advancement opportunities, and assists the synagogue to reach its youth development goals in the population about which it is concerned.
Arranged to accommodate Scouts throughout Southern California who for religious reasons cannot attend such an event on a Saturday, the Midway is nevertheless available to Scouts of all faiths who would like to attend.
Temple Beth Hillel, the oldest Reform synagogue in the Eastern San Fernando Valley, has served as a hub for Jewish and community Scouting for many years. Never forgetting or understating the important Reform Jewish values of inclusiveness and diversity, Temple Beth Hillel uses Scouting for its youth development purposes consistent with Reform Jewish values and ethics. It selects its leaders based upon values deemed important in Reform Judaism and at Temple Beth Hillel.
Yours in Scouting,
David I. Karp
Chartered Organization Representative, Temple Beth Hillel
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