During our Holiday Drive, Operation Gratitude plans to send 70,000 care packages to troops deployed in combat zones overseas - we want to receive enough submissions from the contest to include at least one letter in every box. To meet this goal, we need everyone - students, parents, teachers, and all caring American citizens - to enter the contest and write letters. Students 12 years and under can write letters to be entered by their parents.
Rogers Family Company is offering 3 prize packages in a random drawing - all you need to do is enter! Win the Grand Prize and:
- Your letter will be included in the 400,000th Operation Gratitude package
- $2000 will be donated to the k-12 school of your choice
- $250 gift certificate (good for a year's supply of Rogers Coffee) for you
- $100 iTunes Gift card for you
To enter the contest, go here and click on the "Write a Letter" button. Upon registration and submission of your letter, you will be entered to win one of three prize packages, all of which include money for your chosen school and gift cards for you provided by the Rogers Family Company.
Write a letter, enter to win, and make a difference!
The impact of a personal letter is incalculable:
"My husband was stationed in Iraq and I signed him up for Operation Gratitude. While there he received a letter from a lady in New York. This letter touched him dearly. She had lost her son, an EMT, in 9-11. This letter still means a lot to him. My husband has suffered some physical and mental issues resulting from his service in Iraq. When he starts to feel regret from serving his Country and the strain it put on him and his family, he takes out that letter and it makes him feel better. One person and one letter can make a difference."
Help us reach our goal of 70,000 letters!
Share this with your family, friends and colleagues.
Teachers and parents: Tell every family in your school about this great opportunity to win $2000 for your school!
Share this with friends in your social networks like Facebook or MySpace.
The contest, designed and hosted by Strutta Media Inc., is open to all U.S. residents and runs through December 12, 2008. All appropriate letters submitted in the contest will be sent to service members via Operation Gratitude care packages.
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