Tuesday, January 27, 2009

February 19, 2009 - Lockheed Martin Aerospace Engineering Day

We have received a special invitation to Lockheed Martin during their Engineering Week.

These scouts could do activities such as: wind tunnel tour, sim tour, facilities tour (P791 potential option), Legacy Hall tour, and a variety of speakers and engineering activities.

To qualify, we need the boy's name, address, birth date, and he needs to be a US Citizen.

With only a few slots available we are requesting the following questions be answered to help determine which youth will be attending:

  1. What badges and awards, are you working on, or have you worked on in scouting related to engineering and/or aerospace? What did you enjoy the best about it(them)?
  2. Outside of Scouting, have you been introduced to aerospace engineering? If so, what did you like best?
  3. Why are you interested in aerospace engineering, engineering, and/or aerospace?
  4. What is your current rank in Scouting?
  5. In school, what grades do you get in Science and Math? What are your overall grades?
  6. Do you have anything else you would like to say?

Please email all responses to gfortner@bsamail.org

If you make an email response you commit to being available to attend this event on Feb. 19th from 3:30pm-7pm.

All responses due by Feb. 4th at 4pm. Email notifications of the recipients will be Friday, Feb. 6th.

Yours in Scouting,

Glinda Fortner
Antelope Valley District Executive - Boy Scouts of America
42402 10th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 942-0582
(661) 723-1450 fax
(661) 361-9118 cell

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