Friday, July 31, 2009

New rank requirements for 2010

The new Boy Scout Handbook comes out on August 11st, 2009.

The following rank requirements take effect on January 1st, 2010.


  • A Scout must teach another person how to tie a square knot using the EDGE model (explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable).
  • He must also be able to discuss four specific examples of how he lived the points of the Scout Law in his daily life.

Second Class

  • A Scout must discuss the principles of Leave No Trace and explain the factors to consider when choosing a patrol site and where to pitch a tent.
  • He must explain what respect is due the flag of the United States.
  • He must again discuss four examples of how he lived four different points of the Scout Law in his daily life.
  • He must earn an amount of money agreed upon by the Scout and his parents and save at least 50 percent of it.

First Class

  • An additional requirement to the 10 separate troop/patrol activities states he must demonstrate the principles of Leave No Trace on these outings.
  • He must discuss four more examples of how he lived the remaining four points of the Scout Law in his daily life.


  • A Scout must use the EDGE model to teach a younger Scout a specified skill.

Star, Life, and Eagle

  • Troop Webmaster and Leave No Trace trainer are two new leadership positions.

Yours in Scouting,
Glinda Fortner
Antelope Valley District Executive - Boy Scouts of America

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