We would like every district to have some involvement. I know in the past Crescent Bay and Cahuenga have participated heavily each year. This year we are trying to get more districts involved.
Here is what we need:
- If you know of any JOTA operation in the Los Angeles area (including other councils) please let us know the details quickly so we can help publicize it.
- If you are a Scout, Scouter, or Ham Radio operator and would like to have something in your district and need some guidance or equipment (or have knowledge or equipment) then contact me ASAP.
- If you know of anyone who might be interested then please forward this message.
You can call LA County REACT to find a training date in your community or for getting your Ham Radio operators license. This is available for CB (Citizens Band), FRS (Family Radio Service) and GMSR (General Management Status Review).
Our troop uses FRS radios as part of our Safety First plan; each leader has a unit and a designated frequency. These FRS radios also have weather channels as an extra added bonus. We use these so that we can communicate with the rest of the group should there be a need for separation from one another, or emergency communications for 911 when cell phone operation is not a viable option. The nationwide call for distress is Channel 9 for both CB and FRS communications.
We bought several FRS radios with chargers for $75.00 per pair and they can use regular batteries as well. Prices vary depending on the range of effective communications; ours cover a 30 mile radius and they work very well in mountaineering outdoors with limited interference.
Les Salay
Pack/Troop Master-Unit 921
Unit Commissioner
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