Time: January 9, 2010 from 1pm to 7pm
Location: Church of Jesus Christ, LDS
Organized By: Malibu Lodge
Event Description:
Training, Panda Express banquet, awards, and bestowing the Vigil Honor... Who could ask for a more fun-filled and glorious event to transition into the new year?
This event has two portions:
- 1pm-4pm (free): Lodge Leadership Development - required for Arrowmen who wish to run for 2010 Heyoka Chapter Officership.
- 5pm-7pm ($15): Awards Banquet catered by Panda Express.
Lodge Leadership Development: Members of the Order of the Arrow are trusted leaders and mentors within the BSA. There is always something new to learn about how we lead and inspire others, and hands-on, interactive training is one way the LLD aims to hone your leadership ability and keep your technique sharp. You will receive wise counsel from seasoned Youth Officers who are already walking the path that now lies before you. It is only right that those who plan to take their leadership to the next level, and become a Chief or Vice Chief within the Order, attend this event.
Awards Banquet: The beginning of the new year signals the time for reflection and renewal. The words of the East Wind, the Medicine Man, will always ring true: "He who serves his fellows is, of all his fellows, greatest." This reflection represents a time for us to recognize and praise those Arrowmen who have not only been active with and offered service to their home Unit, but also to those who have gone above and beyond what is required to offer distinguished service and exemplary leadership to their fellow Arrowmen and Scouts throughout the District, Council and beyond. Awards to be presented to these honorable, selfless individuals include the Quality Arrowman award, Silver Shark award, Founder's Award, and, the highest honor bestowed by the Order of the Arrow, the Vigil Honor.
For renewal, we will nourish our bodies with a great banquet. We will also rededicate ourselves to the high ideals and purpose of the Order of the Arrow, as well as congratulate and welcome the new Malibu Lodge Officers for 2010.
Note: The Awards Banquet is a very formal event, so Class A+ OA Uniform is required.
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