Friday, August 20, 2010

September 12, 2010 - Blood drive

St. Catherine of Siena blood drive
sponsored by Scouts of Troop 328 and Pack 328

Sunday, September 12, 2010
8:00 am to 2:00 pm

at St. Catherine of Siena Church
18115 Sherman Way
Reseda, CA 91335
Bloodmobile in parking lot

All participants will receive 2 Laugh Factory tickets, a Mimi's Cafe free appetizer, and can enter a drawing to win a $1,500 American Express gift card.

Appointments get priority, so make your appointment today!

Sign up after services or at the Parish Office.
For more information contact Manny Gallegos at (818) 257-1762 or

If you have been told previously by the American Red Cross or another blood center that you should never donate blood, please disregard this message. If you recently made a blood donation, or if you have already scheduled an appointment to donate blood, please accept our thanks on behalf of the patients whose lives you may have touched. You may not give blood if you have received a Red Cross notification asking you not to do so.

American Red Cross National Headquarters
2025 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20006

Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in some states), meet weight and height requirements (110 pounds or more, depending on their height) and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate.

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