Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October 15-17, 2010 - Antelope Valley centennial jamboree update

We are so excited to be planning the Centennial Celebration for the Antelope Valley District. We have a program being planned with a lot of fun and excitement. However, we will need an approximate head count from your unit as soon as possible so we can plan a budget for this event, and so we know that our efforts won't be in vain.

This activity is for all ages, Tigers through Eagle Scouts.

Tentative plans are as follows:

Location:  Little Rock Dam

  • $20.00 per person until Oct. 14th
  • $35.00 per person after Oct. 14th

  • Rope bridge
  • Solar cooking
  • Dutch Oven cook-off
  • Poison River contest
  • Belt loops and pins for Cub Scouts
  • Merit badges and requirement sign-offs for Boy Scouts
  • Campfire Saturday Night - come with a skit prepared
  • One-mile hike with map and compass for Scout sign-off

More information to follow...

Lisa Pennock
Antelope Valley District Office Manager
Registrar, Antelope Valley and Bill Hart Districts
(661) 942-0582 office
(661) 723-1450 fax

Monday, September 27, 2010

November 20-21, 2010 - Leave No Trace Trainers Course

Leave No Trace Trainers Course
November 20-21, 2010
Camp Willett (near Oak View)
Camp Willett Road, Ojai, CA 93023

This course is open to both youth and adults! Bring your unit's youth leaders to establish a youth-led LNT program in your unit. (Minimum age is 14.)

Learn the proper Leave No Trace methods for taking Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing units camping. As more people use parks and recreation facilities, Leave No Trace guidelines become even more important for outdoor visitors. Leave No Trace is a plan that helps people to be more concerned about their environment and to help them protect it for future generations. Leave No Trace applies in a backyard or local park (frontcountry) as much as it does in the wilderness (backcountry).

This course will be a fun and engaging way to learn the 7 LNT principles and offer opportunities for you to take these exciting methods back to your unit and start teaching LNT right away.

You will learn more about:
  • How to implement Leave No Trace in your units outdoor program
  • How to properly present the Leave No Trace skills to your unit and others
  • What's new in Leave No Trace techniques and how they apply to the BSA program
  • The BSA's Leave No Trace awards and how members of your unit can earn them

There will be a fee of $25.00 which will cover your materials and Saturday's dinner. The other meals during the course are the responsibility of each participant. The course is open to any Scout (14 years or older), Venturer, or adult Scouter. You will learn the proper techniques for Leave No Trace camping and other activities and have a great time as well! All participants will need to supply their own camping equipment. You should bring a folding camp chair for the course as well. We will be in an outside environment, so dress accordingly. The course will be held rain or shine! Every person attending will receive a LNT Trainers Certificate, patch, written materials, and a CD to take home.

Course starts at 9 am sharp!

Directions to Camp Willett - Suggested route from US-101 N, Ventura, CA:
  • Take exit 70B for California 33 North toward Ojai
  • Merge onto CA-33 North
  • Turn right at Sulphur Mountain Road (caution, there are many speeding bicycles on the dirt road)
  • Turn left on Camp Willett Road

For more information, or to register, contact Howard Kern, LNT Master Educator, at (805) 405-9635 or e-mail at howardkern@roadrunner.com

Sunday, September 26, 2010

October 15-17, 2010 - Antelope Valley centennial jamboree

Please save the date for Oct 15-17 for a weekend of fun and excitement. Antelope Valley District is trying to put together a great program for that weekend, but we need your help.

First of all, we would like to know if your unit would attend this event, and what would the youth like to see there, and as with all activities we need volunteers. What would your unit be able to help with, and would your unit like to help plan this event.

Kathy Rennie is our primary contact for this event and can be reached at (661) 860-9879 or katlady4411@sbcglobal.net. Please let her or myself know by the close of business on Tuesday Sept. 28th. If you are willing to help out and plan this activity, please attend the meeting at Nick's Pizzeria at 6:00pm the evening of Sept. 28th.

We will put more information out as we get this program planned.

Thank you.

Lisa Pennock
Antelope Valley District Office Manager
Registrar, Antelope Valley and Bill Hart Districts
(661) 942-0582 office
(661) 723-1450 fax

Monday, September 20, 2010

BSA 100th anniversary Monopoly game

Available at Scout shops now!

The world’s best-loved board game now celebrates 100 years of strong Scouting values, leadership, and fun. Monopoly®: BSA® 100th Anniversary Edition is played just like the original but features a new game board, cards, and money customized for the anniversary. Scout-theme playing tokens include a tent, hiking boot, Scoutmaster cup, backpack, binoculars, and Boy Scout hand sign. This limited-edition game, officially licensed to the BSA by Milton Bradley, is recommended for ages 8 to adult.

BSA 100th anniversary model train

Lionel Electric Trains Announces Boy Scouts of America® 100th Anniversary Commemorative UP Engine

Lionel Electric Trains, the premiere model train company, has announced that it will be making a replica of the Union Pacific engine which honors the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. The limited edition train will be featured in Lionel's 2010 Volume 2 Catalog and will be available by the holiday season.

"It is a special privilege for Lionel to be making the UP No. 2010 this year. Lionel has always been proud of our relationships with both Union Pacific and Boy Scouts of America," said Lionel CEO Jerry Calabrese. "When we heard that UP would be honoring the great American tradition of Scouting, we just knew we had to be a part of it."

Bearing the road number 2010 and based on the ES44C model, the engine is only the 14th time in its history that Union Pacific has issued a commemorative train. Lionel's model will emulate the design and artwork of the actual engine. Just like the original UP No. 2010 Boy Scouts of America Locomotive. This engine will feature:

  • The Boy Scouts of America corporate logo;
  • The BSA's 100th Anniversary logo;
  • The words "100 Years of Scouting™"

December 12, 2010 - Scout Night at the Theatre

Sign up for a great theatre experience!

The timeless tale of the miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, will capture the imagination and warm the heart of audiences of all ages, Scrooge will once again be visited by three spirits, who help him realize the error of his ways by taking him on a journey of his life.

What a wonderful way to get into the holiday spirit!

Canyon Theatre Guild
24242 Main Street
(formerly San Fernando Rd)
Newhall, CA 91321-2911
(661) 799-2702

Sunday, December 12, 2010
6:30 pm

$10 per person

This event fulfills part of an achievement or elective for every Cub Scout rank:

  • Tiger - Elective 36: see a performance
  • Wolf - Achievement 10f: attend a play
  • Bear - Achievement 10a: day trip or evening out with your family
  • Webelos - Showman Requirement: attend a play

All money is due by Oct. 31, 2010

Sponsored by Pack 490, Newhall

Contact Den Leader Felicia Provens for more details and to purchase tickets
felicia135@aol.com or (661) 799-7642

February 4-13, 2011 - Scout Association of Japan / BSA Friendship Program

The Scout Association of Japan has graciously invited the Boy Scouts of America to their annual SAJ/BSA Friendship Program. Twenty-eight Scouts and six leaders will be selected nationwide to participate.

The Scout Association of Japan will pay for half of the airfare, medical insurance, and all expenses while in Japan for all Scouts and leaders attending. The BSA will pay for domestic travel to the departure point of Dallas/Fort Worth, TX; hotel in Dallas/Fort Worth; luggage; neckerchiefs; and patches. Participant cost ($750 last trip) will be determined very soon.

You need a valid passport - a priority item, and it takes time to get.

I am looking for outstanding Scouts (preferably age 15-17 and Eagle Scouts) who will be able to be away from school for the full trip.

To be considered, I request of you,

  • brief résumé of your Scouting (and/or non-Scouting) experiences
  • brief letter stating your interest
  • recommendation from your Scoutmaster or Crew Advisor
  • passport size photo

Harlan Hogue, International Representative, WLACC
(310) 454-6483

Selections will be made by October 31, 2010 - Do not delay

Sunday, September 19, 2010

November 6, 2010 - Scout night with the LA Kings

Scout night with the LA Kings
vs. Nashville Predators

November 6th, 2010
Scout Activities 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Game 7:00 pm

  • Boy Scouts - Complete requirements for Salesmanship and Sports merit badge (I am a counselor for both, so we can meet for final consultation once you fulfill all requirements)
  • Webelos and Cub Scouts - Complete requirements for Sportsman badge, Hockey belt loop and pin

Tickets are only $25.00 per Scout / adult / child (300 level)

Everyone is welcome to join my group!

Along with the exciting Kings hockey game, those in my group will also enjoy the following additional cool and awesome benefits / perks:

  • The first 30 Scouts / youth to buy tickets from me will definitely participate in a Tunnel Team (player high-fives)
  • All guests in my group will participate in a Chalk Talk activity before the game
  • An exclusive LA Kings Scout patch (2010-2011)
  • All Scouts and youth (17 years old and younger) will receive a LA Kings participation certificate

If interested, please RSVP to jreyes98@aol.com by November 1st, 2010.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September through December 2010 - Troop 504 Signaling and other centennial merit badges

Troop 504 will be offering the historic Signaling merit badge starting September 21 at our regular Tuesday night 7 pm meetings.  Scouts from other troops are welcome.

Woodland Hills Presbyterian Church
5751 Platt Avenue
Woodland Hills 91367
(corner of Hatteras and Platt, next door to Hale Middle School)

This merit badge requires learning the International Morse Code and flag language.  We will be showing different types of code practice gear, how to learn the code with the least pain for the gain, and discuss the schedule for earning this really great historic Merit badge.  This one closes on December 31, 2010, so here's your chance.

Also, I am a counselor for the Pathfinding merit badge, Scott Rinaldi is a counselor for the Tracking merit badge, and Dave Hanson is a counselor for the Carpentry merit badge.

Don't miss this great opportunity to earn these centennial merit badges.

Any questions, I can be reached at (818) 888-8175.

Very truly yours,

Robert Hutchinson
Scoutmaster, Troop 504, Las Colinas District
Wood Badge 2004
Order of the Arrow 2009 (W9LQI)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

October 9 through November 13, 2010 - Youth Public Speaking at CSUN

I would like to inform you that CSUN's Communication Studies Department has a Communication for Youth Institute, which puts together a program to help develop public speaking skills in our youth.  The program is held on Saturdays and is designed for 5th through 12th grade.  The youth in the program will have the opportunity to work with professionals and students in the field of public speaking, while at the same time allowing them to work on the University campus.  My son is a fellow Scouter in Thousand Oaks, so I am well aware of the importance that Scouting places on communication skills.  In fact, I am a Communications merit badge counselor, and this program will help Scouts fulfill several of the requirements for the badge.

I am more than happy to answer any questions that you or any other person has regarding the program.

Lindsay Scott
Assistant for the Communication for Youth Institute
California State University, Northridge
(805) 657-6430 cell

Monday, September 13, 2010

Josh Feldman's Eagle Scout project

About the project

I am collecting new and used soccer equipment which will be donated to One World Running, who will then send it to Haiti.  The equipment will go to orphanages and schools.

What I need

Soccer cleats, shin guards, socks and soccer balls

Please contact me to donate or drop gear off:

(818) 883-4720

I will also be having a garage sale to raise money to cover the cost of shipping and to purchase new equipment.  Please consider donating for the garage sale before October 1.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 25, 2010 - Backpacking class

Experienced backpackers, and those who want to learn about backpacking.

Learn from a seasoned veteran, an expert backpacker, and an excellent teacher.

Bring equipment if you have it, or come to learn about equipment before you buy.

Share experiences and compare equipment, learn about cooking on the trail, and more...

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Camp Josepho
Pacific Palisades, CA
10:00 AM until approximately 12:00 noon
Cost: $5.00

Questions: email Ron Fitzgerald ronfitzgerald@verizon.net

See you there!

December 3-5, 2010 - Winter Ordeal

Good Afternoon Brothers,

This PDF contains a registration form as well as a medical form. You must have Part A completed to attend Ordeal. Please arrive at Camp Josepho between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm Friday, December 3. Pick up time is 8:00 pm Saturday, December 4. The road into Camp Josepho closes at 9:00 pm, please be prompt.

Please forward this to everyone in the Malibu Lodge!

Yours In Brotherhood,

Jordan Orlick, 2010 Malibu Lodge Chief
Dan Warner, Malibu Lodge Adviser
Andrew Sisolak, Malibu Lodge Staff Adviser
Joe Pizzo, Lodge Assistant Adviser

"Celebrate Scouting" stamp

(November 12, 2009)

The U.S. Postal Service today gave scouting "a stamp of approval" to honor 100 years of the U.S. Scouting movement. The Celebrate Scouting stamp, which will be sold in the summer of 2010, coincides with the Boy Scouts of America's 100th anniversary.

The new stamp design was unveiled Thursday during an event at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. The design, created by illustrator Craig Frazier of Mill Valley, CA, depicts the spirit and outdoor adventure of Scouting through a backpacking scout and a large silhouette of a Scout surveying the landscape.

The new Celebrate Scouting stamps will go on sale nationwide and will be dedicated in July 2010 at the Boy Scout Jamboree at Ft. A.P. Hill, VA.

Monday, September 6, 2010

October 30, 2010 - Stoney Point cleanup

Saturday, October 30, 2010
8:30 am to 1:00 pm

We are back and rockin'!

Please join Cub Scout Pack and Crew 921, REI Sporting Goods and the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council for our 6th annual Stoney Point beautification project, by volunteering your time to maintaining a local Valley recreational park area.

We encourage all in Scouting, adult volunteers, families, friends and community members to bring their environmental spirit by helping to eliminate the litter and graffiti and restoring the many pathways enjoyed by so many in the community.

Who:  Cub Scout Pack and Venture Crew 921, REI Sporting Goods, the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council, and Councilmember Greig Smith's office.

What:  Clear brush, pick up trash, repair the many hiking trails, clean graffiti and have fun doing it!

When:  October 30th, 2010.

Where:  Stoney Point is located on Topanga Canyon Blvd., just south of the 118 freeway.

Scouts:  Class B uniforms for cleanup.  Bring sunscreen, hats and gloves.

There will be free coffee, bagels and hot dog lunches, donated by the generosity of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and Pack and Venture Crew 921.  Cub Scout Pack and Venture Crew 921 will be preparing meals after the cleanup, and in respect towards those with special dietary needs, we will also be serving kosher and turkey hot dogs.

Lots of free giveaways from REI, raffles, and volunteer T-shirts.

  • Cub Scouts:  Earn belt loops and/or work towards the Cub Scout Conservation requirement.
  • Boy Scouts:  Work toward the Conservation merit badge or service hours requirements.
  • All Scouts:  Work toward World Conservation and/or Leave No Trace requirements.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

November 20, 2010 - Bill Hart merit badge midway

LDS Church
24443 McBean Parkway
Valencia, CA

Scouts: Please e-mail me what merit badges you would want to see at the midway.

Leaders: Please e-mail me if you are a merit badge counselor and would like to be on staff for the midway.

Lee Shapiro
Bill Hart District Activities chairman.

September through November 2010 - Crescent Bay Cub Leader Specific Training

This includes training for Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Den Leaders.

But wait, there's more-- how about training for Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chairs and Committee Members, and Pack Trainers?  That means that everybody and anybody can get trained, there is something for everybody.

Then cap your classroom training off with BALOO, Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation at Camp Josepho.  (October 9th, registration to be available later)  This is required for at least one adult in order for a pack to do an overnight campout.  Are you scoffing at the basic level of this training?  Bump up your skills a notch and take the Webelos Outdoor Leader Training.  (Overnight, October 8th and 9th, registration available later.)

The really crazy part of this whole thing is that we are offering the classroom training six different times over the next three months.  You have two chances a month to get the training that you have always needed and wanted,  but have never been able to put on the front burner.

Is Sunday your family day?  Do the training on Saturday.  Is Saturday your Sabbath?  Do the training on Sunday.  Are weekends the worst possible time to take the training?  Split it up over one weeknight for two weeks.  All told, we are giving up six weeknights and three weekends over the next three months to bring you this training.

Don't make us hang out by ourselves; we tend to get into mischief.  Join the fun, silliness, excitement, and wisdom of training.

Training dates with registration links:


See you there!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

November 14, 2010 - Troop 36 merit badge midway

Sunday, November 14th, from 1:00pm to 6:00pm

Temple Beth Hillel
12326 Riverside Drive
Valley Village, CA 91607

Scouts can attend and earn a variety of Merit Badges during three different sessions.

The Scouts must preregister as well as complete the prerequisites to the Merit Badges they register for and attend the classes at the Midway.

More information to follow soon.

Mark Cutler
(818) 508-9442