Saturday, October 30, 2010
8:30 am to 1:00 pm
We are back and rockin'!
Please join Cub Scout Pack and Crew 921, REI Sporting Goods and the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council for our 6th annual Stoney Point beautification project, by volunteering your time to maintaining a local Valley recreational park area.
We encourage all in Scouting, adult volunteers, families, friends and community members to bring their environmental spirit by helping to eliminate the litter and graffiti and restoring the many pathways enjoyed by so many in the community.
Who: Cub Scout Pack and Venture Crew 921, REI Sporting Goods, the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council, and Councilmember Greig Smith's office.
What: Clear brush, pick up trash, repair the many hiking trails, clean graffiti and have fun doing it!
When: October 30th, 2010.
Where: Stoney Point is located on Topanga Canyon Blvd., just south of the 118 freeway.
Scouts: Class B uniforms for cleanup. Bring sunscreen, hats and gloves.
There will be free coffee, bagels and hot dog lunches, donated by the generosity of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and Pack and Venture Crew 921. Cub Scout Pack and Venture Crew 921 will be preparing meals after the cleanup, and in respect towards those with special dietary needs, we will also be serving kosher and turkey hot dogs.
Lots of free giveaways from REI, raffles, and volunteer T-shirts.
- Cub Scouts: Earn belt loops and/or work towards the Cub Scout Conservation requirement.
- Boy Scouts: Work toward the Conservation merit badge or service hours requirements.
- All Scouts: Work toward World Conservation and/or Leave No Trace requirements.