Thursday, September 2, 2010

September through November 2010 - Crescent Bay Cub Leader Specific Training

This includes training for Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Den Leaders.

But wait, there's more-- how about training for Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chairs and Committee Members, and Pack Trainers?  That means that everybody and anybody can get trained, there is something for everybody.

Then cap your classroom training off with BALOO, Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation at Camp Josepho.  (October 9th, registration to be available later)  This is required for at least one adult in order for a pack to do an overnight campout.  Are you scoffing at the basic level of this training?  Bump up your skills a notch and take the Webelos Outdoor Leader Training.  (Overnight, October 8th and 9th, registration available later.)

The really crazy part of this whole thing is that we are offering the classroom training six different times over the next three months.  You have two chances a month to get the training that you have always needed and wanted,  but have never been able to put on the front burner.

Is Sunday your family day?  Do the training on Saturday.  Is Saturday your Sabbath?  Do the training on Sunday.  Are weekends the worst possible time to take the training?  Split it up over one weeknight for two weeks.  All told, we are giving up six weeknights and three weekends over the next three months to bring you this training.

Don't make us hang out by ourselves; we tend to get into mischief.  Join the fun, silliness, excitement, and wisdom of training.

Training dates with registration links:


See you there!

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