Wednesday, December 29, 2010

January 29, 2011 - Pow Wow / University of Scouting / College of Commissioner Science

Western Los Angeles County Council
Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow
University of Scouting
College of Commissioner Science

A day of fun-filled, action-packed hands-on supplemental training sessions for adult leaders to help us better deliver a fun and exciting program to our youth (most sessions are 50 minutes - a few are longer - you select the 6 you want!)

Where? Pinecrest School, 5975 Shoup Ave., Woodland Hills (corner of Shoup and Oxnard)
When? 8am - 4pm
Cost? $15 (includes lunch, CD packed with resources and a day of fun and information); Staff Contribution: $5
What to bring? Wear your uniform, bring notepad, pen, tote bag, your enthusiasm and Scout spirit

    Monday, December 20, 2010

    WLACC December 2010 camping newsletter

    Dear friends of Whitsett, Emerald Bay, and Camp Josepho,

    As 2010 draws to a close, I want to thank all of you for helping to make this an amazing year for Scouting. In addition to being the 100th anniversary of our organization, 2010 saw many milestones for our camps. Over 21,000 people attended one of our three camps this year; Scouts at Emerald Bay and Whitsett earned over 15,000 merit badges, and thanks to the generous support of our donors, we were able to provide over $30,000 in scholarships for those who would otherwise be unable to experience summer camp.

    As we head into 2011, we hear daily from Scouts and Scouters excited about all that lays ahead. While you enjoy the holidays with your friends and family this year, please take a moment to reflect on the difference that Scouting has made in your life, and to consider giving the gift of camping to someone in 2011. Thank you again for all your support.

    Yours in Scouting,

    James Rushton
    Scout Executive
    (818) 933-0130

    Saturday, December 18, 2010

    May 20-22, 2011 - BSA Wilderness First Aid class

    Eagle Medical
    BSA Wilderness First Aid
    for Boy Scout and Girl Scout adult leaders

    Where: Camp Osito Rancho

    When: May 20-22, 2011
    Friday 7 pm to Sunday 12 pm

    Cost: $75
    Cost includes certification card, food, and lodging
    Your card is good for two years

    Please RSVP by May 20, 2011 to

    Saturday, December 11, 2010

    In memory: Gloria Brenneman, 1937 - 2010

    I want to express my deepest sympathies of the passing of your mother. She was a mom to all the children she embraced in Scouting, and to some of us adults also. She and I had a touchie-feelie hugs relationship, and I am deeply saddened that the true beauty of her soul will not be amongst us here on earth.

    Please keep me informed of when the services will be, as I would be very honored to be a part of celebrating her life.

    Be at Peace,

    Les Salay

    Thank you for the comforting email. The service is December 30, 2 pm, St. Francis de Sales Church in Sherman Oaks. Please spread the word throughout the Scouting world. I hope to see all my mom's Scouting friends.

    Julie Lacayo

    Wednesday, December 8, 2010

    NRA instructor certification and shooting event

    NRA firearms instructor certification

    The Panorama Sportsman's Club will be offering classes in NRA firearm instructor certification. This is the only BSA-accepted firearm instructor certification. This certification will be offered to Scoutmasters and troop leaders only (there is a 21 year age limit).

    The fee will be $40.00 - this covers administrative and paperwork costs only. There will be no fee for the class or the instructors.

    The date for this class will be February 12th, 2011. This will be an all day class, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Update: Due to changes in NRA course materials and requirements, this class has been postponed to April 2-3, 2011.

    In order to participate in the class, you (the participant) must commit in writing to volunteering to actively help in the capacity in which you have been trained at least twice over the course of the year.

    We will also be scheduling RSO (range safety officer) certification classes. The same rules for participation will apply.

    For more information, contact Mark Cohen at or (323) 936-1161.

    Plea for help so more Scouts can participate in January shoot

    The number of Scouts that can participate at our NRA/BSA Panorama Youth Shooting days is only limited by the number of qualified adult volunteers we have attending. Each event that we have had so far this year has grown in participation, to the point that we have had to limit how many Scouts can come and enjoy the day of fun safe firearms education, merit badge counseling, and hands-on participation and camping (if they so choose). At our last event we had more than 185 participants, and at times some of us felt overwhelmed (in a good way). Our facility is capable of accommodating up to 300 event participants and campers.

    As a result, it was decided by the Board of Directors of the Panorama Sportsman's Club (your hosts) that, if we could not get more qualified adults to help us, we would have to limit participation in the BSA Range Day events. As of this plea for help, there have already been more than 250 requests for space at the January 15th event.  We will be limiting participation to 1/2 of that number if we cannot get more help.

    Please, if you can help, and you have NRA, RSO (range safety officer) or instructor certification, send an email to

    If you have already signed up for the January 15th event, you must send a confirmation email or phone call to Mark Cohen at or (323) 936-1161. You must also bring in a Release Form fully signed and filled out. No shooting without a correct release form. Scouts can also contact Mark to put themselves on the waiting list if spots become available.

    Information on next desert event

    The weekend will include a California DFG / NRA Hunter Safety Course for Venture Scouts. After passing, all Venture Scouts will receive a valid California Hunter Safety Card. Habitat, Environment, and Astronomy instruction and merit badge counseling will be available for all other BSA participants.

    The desert facility has plenty of room for camping (RV, tent, and bunkhouse).

    The date for the weekend is tentatively scheduled for March 11-13, 2011.

    Fees for this event will be $20.00 per person, and will include all site and class fees as well as a Saturday evening dinner for all.

    For more information, contact Mark Cohen at or (323) 936-1161.

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    Name entries for training and rechartering

    When entering your name in for training certificates, or entering names for rechartering:

    • Please do not use punctuation of any sort.
    • If you want to register a different name (e.g. you recently got married or divorced, or want to use a nickname), please do not create a new entry. All you need to do is change your profile name, or change your name on the edit screen while rechartering. If you create a new entry, then we have trouble verifying your training and recognition awards.

    Thank you in advance for your help in this area.

    Lisa Pennock
    Antelope Valley District Office Manager
    Registrar, Antelope Valley and Bill Hart Districts
    (661) 942-0582 office
    (661) 723-1450 fax