Saturday, December 11, 2010

In memory: Gloria Brenneman, 1937 - 2010

I want to express my deepest sympathies of the passing of your mother. She was a mom to all the children she embraced in Scouting, and to some of us adults also. She and I had a touchie-feelie hugs relationship, and I am deeply saddened that the true beauty of her soul will not be amongst us here on earth.

Please keep me informed of when the services will be, as I would be very honored to be a part of celebrating her life.

Be at Peace,

Les Salay

Thank you for the comforting email. The service is December 30, 2 pm, St. Francis de Sales Church in Sherman Oaks. Please spread the word throughout the Scouting world. I hope to see all my mom's Scouting friends.

Julie Lacayo

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