Friday, January 28, 2011

February 26-27, 2011 - Troop 92 Webelos overnight

Webelos overnight with Troop 92

Oak Park in Simi Valley
901 Quimisa, Simi Valley. Off Los Angeles Ave, west of Madera Road (805) 527-6886

Check-in at 10am on Saturday, February 26th
Check-out at 12 noon on Sunday, February 27th

Cost for the overnight for all food:
Webelos (1st and 2nd year) free
Adults (if eating with Troop leadership) $10
Siblings (if eating with Troop leadership) $7

Advanced reservations required
Call Troop 92 Scoutmaster (Norbert Soski) at (818) 360-5159 or e-mail at

Webelos must be accompanied by a parent (or guardian) for the entire event. Staying overnight is not required.

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