Monday, February 21, 2011

March 12, 2011 - Las Colinas District Training

Las Colinas District Training

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
at Pinecrest School, Woodland Hills
5975 Shoup Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
(Corner of Shoup Ave. and Oxnard St.)

Who should attend:  Scout Leaders, Troop/Pack Committee Members, Cub Scout Leaders, Venture Crew Leaders, Sea Scout Leaders

Courses offered:
  • This is Scouting (8:00 am - 11:30 am)
  • Cub Leader Specific (1:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (1:00 pm - 5:00 pm)
  • Troop Committee Challenge (8:00 am - 11:30 am)
  • Venture Leader Specific (Sea Scout Leaders) (1:00 pm - 5:00 pm)

Cost:  $5.00 donation per course

Wear your Class A uniform if you have one - come anyway if you don't.

Please pre-register no later than Wednesday, March, 2011.
If not, register at the training.

Questions: John Overton at or (818) 620-1001

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 28, 2011 - Youth Protection and Merit Badge Orientation

Youth Protection
Merit Badge Orientation

Lincoln Middle School (cafeteria)
1501 California Street
Santa Monica

Monday, February 28, 2011
7 - 8 pm

Youth Protection is required for all parents/adults (18 and over) who have or are likely to have any contact with the scouts.  This includes Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Venture Crew Advisors, Varsity Team Coaches, etc.  Training is available on-line but this is an opportunity to obtain the training and ask any and all questions about the subject.  Insurance coverage and liability may be impacted by whether or not you have received this training.

Merit Badge Counselor Orientation is required for all potential Merit Badge Counselors.  The training deals with the way the counseling is done, not the subject being counseled.  All participants become registered with BSA at no cost.

Course is open to all Scouters in district or council.

RSVP appreciated but not required.

e-mail to

Thursday, February 17, 2011

March 5, 2011 - Aviation Merit Badge Day

Aviation Merit Badge Day
Let Your Dreams Soar

Saturday, March 5th, 2011
8 am - 3 pm

Troop 67 in Santa Monica is hosting an Aviation Merit Badge Day at Justice Aviation at Santa Monica Airport. Sponsors include Youth Aviation Adventure, Friends of Santa Monica Airport, Justice Aviation, Kim Davidson Aviation, Santa Monica Aviation, FUMC of Santa Monica, and the City of Santa Monica.

Attendees will learn to:

  • Define "aircraft"
  • Point to a model airplane and describe the forces acting on it
  • Explain how an airfoil generates lift
  • Demonstrate how the control surfaces are used for maneuvering the aircraft
  • Explain recreational, private, and commercial licenses
  • Perform a pre-flight inspection
  • Learn about aeronautical charts
  • Build a FPG-9 glider
  • Understand how runways are numbered
  • Learn about Santa Monica Airport

This is a high quality program, taught by pilots using real airplanes and helicopters.

Space is very limited, so interested Scouts (and/or adults) need to act quickly.

Michael J. Kent
Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 67 Outdoor Committee Chair
AOPA Member, Commercial Rated Single Engine Land and Hot Air Balloon Pilot

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

May 7, 2011 - Shotgun Shooting Merit Badge Day

Santa Clarita Valley Chapter Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (SCVQUWF)
Annual Shotgun Shooting Merit Badge Day

Sponsored by Troop 583, Castaic

Saturday, May 7, 2011
7:30 am (check-in) to 3:30 pm
@ The Oak Tree Gun Club in Newhall, CA

Cost $36 for 50 (max) birds and ammo

Scouts are required to complete the Shotgun Shooting merit badge requirement worksheet prior to class date. Necessary information may be found in the Shotgun Shooting merit badge handbook.

Deadline for reservations is Sunday, May 1, 2011. Space is limited to 50 Scouts - first come / first reserve basis.

Questions: Contact Luann Peterson (661) 296-4667

Monday, February 14, 2011

March 18-20, 2011 - Troop 431 Webelos Weekend

Come see all the great things about Troop 431 at our Webelos Weekend Adventure!

  • Monkey Bridge
  • Marshmallow Wars
  • Scouting Clinics
  • Obstacle Courses
  • Campfire

Adventure includes accommodations and food.

When: March 18-20
Where: Castaic Lake, 32132 Castaic Lake Drive, Castaic, CA 91384

  • Free for Webelos!
  • $10 for parents

What to bring:
  • Troop will provide tents for the Webelos. Parents to bring own tents.
  • Sleeping bag, clothing, and personal hygiene items. Troop will provide the rest.

Our Webelos Weekend is designed for Webelos on the verge of joining Boy Scouts and their parents.

Webelos must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire event.

This weekend will:
  • Show all the fun things that Scouting has to offer.
  • Give an opportunity to meet other Boy Scouts and Scout parents.

Weekend details:
  • Friday: Meet and depart 5 pm, St. Bridget's Catholic Church, 7100 Whitaker Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406
  • Saturday: Games and adventure all day.
  • Sunday: Rise and shine breakfast and head home.

For questions or to RSVP, please call Troop Scoutmaster Ponch Corona (818) 681-7430 or email

Monday, February 7, 2011

Merit badge midway thanks

Dear MB Midway Counselors, Staff and Volunteers,

On behalf of the Balboa Oaks District Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts and the support you gave in making this last MB Midway one of the most successful and best run Midways we have had. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer your time and personal resources to this event. Thank you for taking time from your busy schedules to so thoroughly prepare your subject matter material. Thank you for the patience shown to the Scouts and their leaders and/or parents through the preregistration process and again on Saturday. Thank you to the terrific Snack-O-Ree staff, and in particular Julie and Sheila, who kept our cravings and appetites fed. And thank you for the kind patience and support you have shown to me throughout this entire event.

From what I could tell through the registration process and while visiting the classrooms, we were at near capacity. We had Scouts from throughout the Council, from the neighboring Councils and from as far away as Riverside attend this Midway. I will try to have a final tally for you in the coming days. To that end, I will send all instructors another email asking for additional information.

Many of you have heard directly from leaders and parents, thanking you for your good work. During the Midway, I took the opportunity to visit all of the classes and speak with every adult leader and/or parent that I passed in the hallways, in the foyers, and in the recreation hall. I received high praise for our work effort from 95% of those I came in contact with. The other 5% still gave us good marks and made some very positive suggestions as to how we might improve our next Midway event.

I hope you felt good about your participation in this Midway and that you feel that your time was well spent. I hope you will want to do it again down the road sometime. I believe we were able to help a lot of young men on Saturday learn something new, interesting, fun, and something of value; I believe we have done a Good Turn and have given good service. Thank you.


Ralph Ward

I would like to also take a moment and express my great admiration and gratitude for all of you who took the time to make this event so great. I have heard nothing but praise for the way the event ran. I was amazed when I heard how many Scouts participated and how many merit badges were earned. It could not have happened without you. Also special thanks to Ralph Ward, Eric Miele and Michele Smith for leading and inspiring this great team. You all have made our Balboa Oaks District shine once again.

Paul Oliver

May to September 2011 - Los Padres Forest Association events

Here are the LPFA (Los Padres Forest Association) Wheeler Gorge Visitor Center events for 2011.

Event descriptions are also available at the Antelope Valley District web site.

Gordie Hemphill
LPFA President and Scouter
(805) 382-9759

Friday, February 4, 2011

May 28, 2011 - Memorial Day flag placement

Again this year the Scouts will be placing flags on the graves at the
Los Angeles National Cemetery in West Los Angeles
950 South Sepulveda Blvd.

Parking will be in the Veterans Administration Facilities through the tunnel on Constitution Avenue as it was last year.

We will start at 8:00 am, you must be there by 7:30 am in order to get signed in and receive your location map.  Sign in starts at 7:00 am.

Rules of conduct are the same as last year.

Please share this with all of your Scouts.

We will be doing flag retrievals Tuesday, May 31st through Friday, June 3rd, from 2:30 pm till 5:00 pm each day.