Tuesday, February 2, 2010

May 29, 2010 - Memorial Day Flag Placement

Again this year the Scouts will be placing flags on the graves at the
Los Angeles National Cemetery in West Los Angeles
950 South Sepulveda Blvd.

Parking will be in the Veterans Administration facilities through the tunnel on Constitution Avenue as it was last year.

We will start at 8:00 am; you must be there by 7:30 am in order to get signed in and receive your location map.  Sign in starts at 7:00 am.

Do not remove any of these flags from the cemetery grounds.

All Scouts and adults must be in full Class A uniform, including hats.

Leaders are expected to explain to their Scouts the reason for the Memorial Day ceremony.  The Scouts must be made aware of appropriate behavior while at the cemetery.  Do not let the Scouts make any unnecessary noise or run around while in the cemetery.

Do not bring any food onto the cemetery grounds.

Each troop or pack should bring their unit flags with them, as they will be displayed in front of the assembly facing the stage during the presentations.

In an effort to show reverence and respect to our fallen heroes, as well as to conduct ourselves in a manner befitting the Scouting organizations we serve, the following rules and guidelines are to be observed by all who participate:

  • Adults and senior Scouts should instruct any of the youth for whom they are responsible as to the rules and guidelines, and should be aware of and correct any misbehavior that may occur.
  • Participants should walk, not run in or around the cemetery grounds.
  • Participants should be respectful of the cemetery, its staff, and other Scouts.
  • Do not climb, sit or stand in or on trees, poles, monuments and/or the cannon.
  • Quiet service is a worthwhile goal; there should be no unnecessary noise.
  • Food should not be brought onto the cemetery grounds. Bottled water is the only refreshment allowed. There should be no coolers, coffee, donuts, etc.
  • The Cemetery is not a park or playground. Balls, Frisbees, AirSoft guns, handheld computer games, music devices and other electronics are prohibited.
  • Flowers should be respected and not picked. Do not throw anything.
  • Pets or animals are not to be brought onto the cemetery grounds (with the exception of a seeing-eye dog or other assistant to humans).
  • Respect the flags you will be given. Treat them with great care. Protect them and keep them in the cemetery.
  • Please assign one or two Scouts or an adult leader from your unit to pick up flags at a flagbox nearest to your assigned area. You will be issued 1 or 2 bundles per person participating with your unit.
  • Distribution of the flags will be done in an organized and orderly manner; please respect the Scouts and Cadets who will be issuing the flags. There should be no fighting for nor hoarding of the flags.
  • This is neither a race nor a contest. Please walk slowly and deliberately from grave marker to grave marker.
  • When you are ready to place the flag, address the grave marker, read the name(s) of the person(s) buried there, and place the flag directly in front of the grave marker so that the flag is between you and the grave marker.
  • The flag should be placed 2 inches firmly into the ground and 1 foot in front of the grave marker, taking care that the flag stands straight and true.
  • Only one flag should be placed at each grave marker, regardless of how many names are on the grave marker.
  • Once the flag has been placed, stand up, observe a moment of silence, and salute.
  • Once your area has been completed, please report back to the sign in area so that you can be checked out and receive further instructions.

Yours in Scouting,

Richard A. Marcus
West Los Angeles County Council - Boy Scouts of America
Chairman - Memorial Day Activities Committee
(310) 397-4696 (home)
(310) 721-9908 (cell)

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