Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The value of time (Friends of Scouting donations)

We know there is never enough of it. We know we need to value the little we have of it with our children. We know that with all the activities and commitments they have, we need to ensure that their time is well spent and meaningful.

For over 100 years, Scouting has kept its commitment to families to give parents and children time to explore the world together, to help children discover new skills and interests, and to prepare every Scout for life.

Scouting understands that children need balanced opportunities to grow; that time spent outdoors camping under the stars is as valuable as time spent building a robot, that learning how to play an instrument is as meaningful as learning how to play chess, and that knowing how to save a life is as fundamental a skill now as it was in 1910.

Support your child's development, exploration, and discovery with a gift to Scouting today. Your gift will support programs that directly benefit your child and your community while ensuring that we can offer Scouting to every child who wants to be a Scout regardless of their financial capacity.


Jim Rushton
Scout Executive/CEO

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