Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 18 - Popcorn tasting and information event

To all Packs and Troops,

One of our top notch support team members will be contacting you and providing you with information about the upcoming popcorn tasting and information event. This year, each unit will have their own dedicated popcorn go-to person. If you haven't been contacted by them already, you will be shortly. If you are sooooo excited about your Scouts earning a big bunch of money and can't wait for the call, the contact info is below. Find your assigned contact person and e-mail them.

We have seen what's on tap and it is much improved over last year. Prizes and incentives are much improved and your percentage of profit is up to 38%! Plus there is a new flavor that is out of this world!

Make your arrangements to send a rep from your Unit, and any parent who is interested in finding out the info - or wants to taste that out-of-this-world flavor. Don't delay on any of this, deadlines are close.

-Paul Oliver

Francine Conte
Troops 356, 371, 400, 406, 415, 431, 549, 550, 601, 712, 911 / Pack 564

Linda Singer
Packs 49, 118, 148, 208, 229, 307, 349, 400, 406, 415, 431, 441, 549, 601 / Troop 307

Carlos Luna
Pack 550, 712, 911

Donna Demetrius
Troops 10, 25, 49, 92, 148, 208, 328, 349

Balboa Oaks Popcorn Team

You're invited to our popcorn tasting and information event
Saturday, August 18th at 1 pm

This invitation is for every Cub Pack and Scout Troop adult who is interested in finding out what the Boy Scout popcorn program is about!

There will be popcorn samples, product information, and prizes!

Does your Cub Scout Pack never have enough funds to go out and do some really fun things like spend the night at the museum, have bowling/miniature golf pack meetings, or have a waterslide/bouncer at your annual picnic, or rent Camp Josepho for a weekend as a pack - and you would like to? Then you need to attend!

Does only half of your Scout Troop attend Scout camp or your Troop monthly outings/events because they cost too much? Then you need to attend!

Learn how to let the Scouts earn their way to a fun and memorable Scouting experience - all part of helping Scouts be thrifty!

Come taste for yourself some of the new popcorn products we are selling this year, and hear how easy it is to support Scouting at both the Pack/Troop level and at the District/Council level.

We are asking adults only, please leave the kids at home.

Please RSVP to Paul Oliver or your Unit's personal popcorn go-to person so we have enough materials for everyone! And we can tell you where!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Jeff Prata
Balboa Oaks District Executive
(818) 785-8700
(818) 901-4888 fax
(661) 212.1095 cell

Q. Can I attend if I'm not the leader?
A. Yes! Your Pack/Troop leader has too much on their plate already! If everyone helps out, your Pack/Troop is going to be that much more fun and successful.

Q. Can a few adults from our Unit attend?
A. Yes! This is much more fun when you have fellow adults working together! But I need to know how many by Wednesday so we have enough room and supplies.

Q. Am I going to be tricked into having to do something?
A. No! If you decide that this is something beneficial to your Pack/Troop, then you are going to have to decide what to do. All we are going to do is give you the facts and the flavors.

Q. How much does it cost to participate in the popcorn program?
A. Nothing! If your Pack/Troop decides they want to participate, all we need is the contact info of the person who will be in charge at your Unit and you are set. You pay for everything you sell, return what you don't sell (except for any chocolate product), and we pay you a commission for what you sell.

Q. What is the commission?
A. Up to 38% if you pay and return on time! The top selling Packs/Troops are receiving $5,000 to $9,000 commission checks.

Q. What's the catch?
A. Commitment. To be successful, each Unit needs 1 adult to step up (more than 1 is even better) and commit to organizing and running this program for their boys.

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