Attention Balboa Oaks Scouters,
Scouting provides great life learning skills and experiences for our youth and volunteers such as you. The one thing we don't do well is letting others know the achievement of our youth such as receiving the Arrow of Light as a Cub Scout, Eagle projects and Eagle Court of Honors, community service, special awards for life saved or bravery, etc. Even as volunteers, we do things of valor based on what we have learned as a Scouter.
Let's change this for 2013. Below is a “Spread the Good News Bulletin” from Bob Levey who is an Eagle Scout and district volunteer who is willing to help with this endeavor. Bob and I have recently been working with the council in upping the exposure of the positive side of Scouting. I will be sending additional information regarding how each unit and volunteer can submit Scouting newsworthy stories to be provided to news organizations for publishing.
But until then, please take Bob up on his offer to get your Scouts' or volunteers' stories published and in the news. The spreading of Good News will support our goal of having more boys join Scouting and adult volunteers to help our quest of developing academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.
Yours in Scouting,
Paul Brown
Balboa Oaks District Chairman
Spread the Good News
News Bulletin
Balboa Oaks District - Western Los Angeles Council
Boy Scouts of America
Story line: Develop stories about activities in your unit that have a positive impact on the communities you represent. Feature stories about outstanding Scouts - how they perform in school, athletics, Scouting, etc. Make certain media attention is given to Scouts in your units who attain the rank of Eagle.
Make contact with journalists at the newspapers serving your area, including the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles Daily News (covering the San Fernando Valley), and other newspapers exclusively for your particular area. Continue to submit positive newsworthy items to these journalists, if possible every month.
If you are unable to make contact, or if you are pressed for time, please feel free to e-mail the newsworthy information to, and I will do the submissions for you.
Other options: Channel 7 ABC features a "Cool Kid" spot every Thursday evening at 6:30 (check the station for the exact time in your area). Consider nominating one of your outstanding Scouts as a Cool Kid. Other events may be interesting to the visual news media. Be sure to make contact as often as you have special events worthy of publicity.
Expectations: To spread the Good News that occurs day in and day out, every day of every year, that Boy Scouts do for their communities, and for the leadership training it offers to young men between the ages of 11 and 18.
Bob Levey
Unit Commissioner, Troop 431 and Troop 328
Balboa Oaks District
Boy Scouts of America
(818) 986-4547
(818) 970-7233 cell
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