Sunday, March 1, 2015

Latest OA news: Elections, Camporee, dues

To all members of Achoicominga OA Chapter,

It's that time of the year, when we visit troops and teams to run OA elections for candidates of the OA. We will need you to volunteer to help run one or several of these elections. We have 21 units to visit in a 5 week time span, before the district camporee in April. Keep in mind that you can't run the election for your own unit. Come to our March 12th meeting to learn more about it and become part of an election team. Our Vice-Chief of Elections, Reed Potter, would appreciate it. A few of the units have already been scheduled. Contact Reed for details, (818) 737-8390, he would sure appreciate it.

Speaking of camporee, our district camporee is April 17-19, at Paramount Ranch. It has become tradition that members of our OA chapter get to sleep in the tepee and register for the camporee as OA. Those wishing to be part of the OA encampment must first get the OK from your Scoutmaster. If it's OA, then you need to bring the $19 registration fee to our March meeting. All camporee fees must be paid prior to the April 2nd Roundtable, as of that date the fee goes up. Then at our April chapter meeting you need to bring $20 for food for the camporee weekend.

Finally, all 2015 annual dues are now due. The dues are still only $14.00. You can pay by check, made out to 'BSA/OA' or cash, payable at our chapter meeting.

Frank Casias
Achoicominga Associate Chapter Advisor

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