Monday, July 20, 2009

ProSpeak - Digital edition

The first digital edition of ProSpeak is now available. ProSpeak is the newsletter put together for Scouting Professionals with "nuts and bolts" information. It will give you, the volunteers, the same information that we have about how to better make the program great for our kids. One of my favorite sections has been "Message from the Chief". Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive over the entire Boy Scouts of America, is always very reflective of how we want the Boy Scouts of America to be and has been very inspiring for me.

The July issue's main feature focuses on fall membership with insight into developing successful relationships for membership growth.

Other feature articles include a look at partnering with the Hispanic community to develop a yearly recruiting strategy and A Year of Celebration, which kicks off in September as part of the BSA's 100th Anniversary Celebration program.

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