Tuesday, April 13, 2010

August 28, 2010 - Coin Collecting merit badge workshop

Saturday, August 28, 2010

  • 11 am - On-site registration begins
  • Noon to 3 pm - Badge workshop
  • 2 pm - Scouts can tour the show
  • 5 pm - Show closes

Golden State Coin Show
Arcadia Masonic Center
50 West Duarte Road
Arcadia, CA
(Exit 210 Fwy at Santa Anita and go south to Duarte; right turn; center is on your left)

Numismatic Association of Southern California [NASC]
American Numismatic Association [ANA] - Walter Ostromecki, Governor and Youth Numismatic Educator

Registered merit badge counselor and instructor:
Walter Ostromecki
Balboa Oaks District
Western LA Council

Albertus Hoogeveen
Orange County Council
BSA Scout Official and Leader

For further information and RSVP, contact:
Walter Ostromecki
drwaltomfl1@earthlink.net or ostromecki@money.org
(818) 317-6966 (cell) day
(818) 342-6304 (home) evening

Scouts and leaders must be dressed in proper uniform (less merit badge sash)


Scouts, please be sure to read through the current BSA Coin Collecting merit badge pamphlet before attending.

Scouts or troop leaders need to RSVP the counselor in advance of their attendance as meeting space is limited.

What each Scout must bring along with them to the August session in order to complete the Coin Collecting badge:

  • Requirement #6: Bring five or more US State Quarters. Be prepared to discuss them and describe what the US Mint 50 Statehood Quarter Program was all about.
  • Requirement #7: Collect from circulation and bring an example of each currently circulating US coin. Include one from each denomination: cent, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, and one-dollar coin (either a Susan B Anthony dollar, Sacagawea dollar or a Presidential dollar). Know where the mint marks are and the designer’s initials, if any.
  • Requirement #9 A-D: Choose one. #9D is the easiest - Bring along a date set of US Lincoln cents (or any other type of US coin) since your year of birth. If a scout does not have a coin album to put them in, one will be supplied free at the session.

Other requirements:

Scouts are also encouraged to bring along one special coin (foreign or US) from their collection for a show-and-tell feature before the Scouts attend the session (option just to share or to fulfill Requirement #10C). Scouts who attend the badge session, tour the coin show (starting around 2 pm) and share what they learned on the tour with the Counselor(s) will meet Requirement #10B.

Other requirements (#1-5, #7 and #8) will be discussed during the merit badge session.  Each Scout will be provided a worksheet which will be handed in and all necessary handout materials when they register on site.  BSA blue cards of completion will be issued to all Scouts who complete the requirements. Partials for Scouts who do not complete all the requirements will also be issued.

Requirement #3 on coin grading will involve a Scout teamwork competition where teams will apply the just learned basic "photo grade" grading concept technique skills on examples of circulated Lincoln cents to the counselor.


The Merit Badge session is a fun, interactive and hands-on learning experience. All forms of and types of money will be on display. Coin prizes for individual and/or group in class participation will be awarded to all Scouts who actively participate in the educational learning discussions!

In addition, all Scouts will receive a free "continue the numismatic learning and collecting experience" goodie bag at the conclusion of the badge session (3 pm) courtesy of the ANA, NASC, TEC, US Mint, BEP and coin dealer sponsors, Michael Aron, Steve Demmer, Dick Forrest, Don Hauser, Gene Henry, Paul Hollis, Scott and Lisa Loos, Armando Nieto, Nona Moore, Rick Snow and Lorraine Weiss.

Parents and adult leaders are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Walt Ostromecki is a certified counselor for the Balboa Oaks District, W-LA Council and a governor and youth numismatic educator for the ANA. He received his Eagle Scout rank in 1966. He's been a coin hobbyist, author, speaker for nearly 40 years.

Albertus Hoogeveen is a registered assistant scoutmaster with Troop 93 in Fullerton. He's a 45-year veteran scouter, ANA life member and a coin collector since he was 10 years old.

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