Tuesday, April 13, 2010

June 23-27, 2010 - Santa Clarita Valley Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation Shooting Camp

When: June 23rd - June 27th

Where: Camp Three Falls

Cost:  $400.00

SCVQUWF is taking registrations for its annual shooting sports camp. If you like rifle, shotgun, and archery shooting, learning survival skills and orienteering, hiking and swimming... then this is the camp for you!

This is not a BSA camp, but it's usually filled with Boy Scouts, so we've adapted the program to meet the requirements for the Archery, Shotgun and Rifle Merit Badges. This camp is run by NRA Certified Instructors, all of whom are also Merit Badge Counselors. Great camp for kids who want to shoot... a lot!

Please review the flyer for more information, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Luann Peterson
(661) 296-4667

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