Monday, January 26, 2009

WLACC Shofar Awards Announced

The Shofar Award of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting, granted through the local council's Jewish Committee on Scouting, recognizes adults for outstanding service in behalf of Jewish youth in the program of the Boy Scouts of America.

The Shofar Award Subcommittee of the Western Los Angeles County Council Jewish Committee on Scouting (WLACC-JCOS) has selected eight adult volunteers this year to receive the Shofar Award, based upon written nominations submitted in their behalf and other information generally available to the subcommittee.

This year, the Shofar Award designees are:

Michael DolandAssistant CubmasterPack 233Crescent Bay
Allison FriedmanTroop Committee ChairTroop 613Cahuenga
Max GoldbergDistrict Chairman Cahuenga
Jean KlineTroop Committee ChairTroop 36Cahuenga
Yitzchok KlutchScoutmasterTroop 613Cahuenga
Glenn RoederAssistant ScoutmasterTroop 360Crescent Bay
Claudio SapirAssistant ScoutmasterTroop 36Cahuenga
Rich SiegerCubmasterPack 613Cahuenga

Each of them, in his or her own way, has contributed to the excellence of Jewish Scouting in the Western Los Angeles County Council: in pursuit of new chartered organizations, in sustaining and enriching existing Jewish units, in blending Jewish Scouting into non-Jewish units, in providing religious emblem opportunities to Scouts, in extending Sunday programming regionally to Scouts unable to attend on Saturdays, in support of annual Kinnusim of the WLACC-JCOS, and in so many other ways.

Yasher Koach ("job well done") and Mazel Tov to these fine Scouters.

Yours in Scouting,

David I. Karp
Shofar Award Selection Committee Chair
Western Los Angeles County Council
Jewish Committee on Scouting

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