Monday, June 15, 2009

New Sea Scout ship

Sea Scouts is a co-educational program offered to young adults between the ages of 14 to 21. Like you, they love boats and the water, want to learn the skills of the sailor, can work on a team but set personal goals, too - and they have fun doing it.

Whether it is on a bay, a river, a lake, or the ocean, Sea Scout groups - called "Ships" - have been established all across the country. Ships provide opportunities for adventure and offer exciting challenges that you won’t find anywhere else.

The Valley Sail and Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power Squadrons, is working to start a Sea Scout Ship. The ship will meet at the First United Methodist Church of Reseda on Tuesday nights once it has qualified for a charter. To start the ship requires a minimum of five (5) youth to qualify for a charter.

It will cost a new Sea Scout $40.00 to join the Ship. This fee includes membership in the Ship, a USPS boating course, membership in the Power Squadron, a Sea Scout manual and a Sea Scout polo shirt (this package would cost $105.00).

If you are interested, please email

Raymond Paul
Educational Officer,
The Valley Sail and Power Squadron

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