Wednesday, October 20, 2010

November 12-14, 2010 - Troop 911 Webelos Weekend

Troop 911's Webelos Weekend is an adventure designed to introduce Webelos Scouts and their parents to the thrilling Scouting adventures ahead, and to help them make the transition into Boy Scouting exciting. The weekend is filled with fun activities, intriguing demonstrations, and plenty of outdoor excitement.

Our theme this year is Sports!

Troop 911 is inviting all 1st and 2nd Year Webelos to attend. Troop 911 is a boy-led troop. Unlike Cub Scouts, the boys make the decisions and provide the leadership. Adults are there to give advice and to assure safety. The Webelos Scouts will be assigned to Patrols for the weekend, so that they can experience a model Boy Scout Troop campout led by experienced Boy Scouts. Parents will be given an orientation on Boy Scouting, and will have a relaxing weekend campout plus a chance to meet many of Troop 911's adult leaders (while their Webelos participate in troop activities).

When: November 12th, 13th, 14th

Castaic Lake Recreation area
32132 Castaic Lake Drive
Castaic, CA 91384

We will meet to depart for this trip on Friday Evening at 6 pm at Northridge United Methodist Church, 9650 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CA 91324. The cross streets are Reseda and Superior.

There will be an orientation Troop meeting on Tuesday November 9th at the same address. Come visit us even if you can't make it to this trip!

Thank you very much.

Questions: Contact our Scoutmaster, Jon Orlick (818) 987-9840 Email:

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