Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Roundtable Flag Ceremony patch design contest

We need to get Roundtable Flag Ceremony patches.  Instead of purchasing the usual Scout shop patch, we want to spice things up a bit and make us unique.  We want to make our very own Balboa Oaks Roundtable Flag Ceremony patch.  And we want you to design it.

Rules are:

  1. Patch must be designed by a Cub Scout or Boy Scout.
  2. Patch must have Balboa Oaks on it.
  3. Patch must have the American flag on it.
  4. Patch shape is up to you.  If you design a non-geometric shape, it may not be able to be made, but give it a shot if you like.
  5. Don't worry about your artwork and drawing skills.  It is the idea we are looking for.  All artwork can be re-touched as needed.
  6. You can use up to 6 different colors.
  7. Winning entry will get a $50 gift card to the Scout shop!
  8. Contest ends December 31, 2010.
  9. Submit your entries as listed below.

Via email:

Via postal mail:
Paul Oliver
Balboa Oaks District
10921 Hamlin St.
North Hollywood, CA 91606

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