Saturday, September 13, 2008

Metrolink Crash

As most of you have heard by now, there was a horrific crash on the tracks of Chatsworth between a Metrolink train and a Union Pacific Freight Train. I am asking everyone to band together as a community and spread the word to all the schools in the area, churches, synagogues and other community members and organizations and help develop a plan as well as execute a collaborate effort to help the victims and families of this tragedy. This is a wonderful community and we always manage to do great things, well here is another challenge for us to band together. We as a community are fortunate in that Metrolink brings us the Christmas train every year with all the splendor and glory of the season. I myself am counting my blessings, since as most of you know my son Mark is a avid rail fan and usually rides that particular train along with some of his friends. I am sure had he come home earlier from school that day, he would have asked to ride to Moorpark. In addition, since he is an avid railroader he knows allot of crew members on Metrolink, Amtrak and Union Pacific and no doubt would have wanted to be near the engineer . I am also grieving for those who lost love ones and still have the uncertainty of the unknown. I've been up most of the night since the Sheriff's command post is across the street at the park and as helicopters looming until midnight and resuming again at 5:00 am. I am also pretty sure the Lubran family has been up all night long since the crash occurred almost in their back yard.

Everyone receiving this is either a resident of Chatsworth, Boy Scout leader, Girl Scout leader, faculty member, clergy, friend and family member of someone in this community. You are the best of the best and we need to rise to yet another challenge.

I ask for us to create a committee and collectively come up with a project or projects we can do to help these families.


Shelby Speer

Please contact me with any questions.

E-mail 818-312-2685 cel.

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