Monday, August 3, 2009

Matching grants for beautification projects

If your pack or troop is going to host a clean-up project, but you don't know who to call or how to raise funds for items such as tools, food, drinks or other necessities you may need, then look no further - the City of Los Angeles has a matching grant fund tailored to your specific needs.

Don't know where to begin? First, find a project that helps your community in a beautification event, such as removal of graffiti, cleaning up your local park, street cleaning, or anything in your neighborhood or adjacent streets that catches your attention. Use your imagination and get a matching government grant to help you with the costs of doing such a project.

There are seminars coming up soon where you can learn how to apply for these grants, and who and what is involved in getting your grant.

Let's all do our part in keeping our neighborhood clean, safe and graffiti free. Now come on and get your game on!

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