Thursday, August 20, 2009

Winter sports safety - Helmets

While it is the end of August and school is just beginning, I would like to advise you of an upcoming change to the Winter Sports Safety section of the Guide to Safe Scouting.

Currently, Section 3 states that "Suitable clothing for the activity and environment should be worn at all times, and equipment should include gloves and helmets when appropriate."

Based upon the review of General Liability claims history, along with a recommendation by the Risk Management Advisory Panel (two Scout executives from each region), and input from the Health and Safety Support Committee, the following change will be made to the Guide to Safe Scouting and published as an Alert on Scouting Safely.

"Appropriate personal protective equipment is required for all activities. This includes the recommended use of helmets for all participants engaged in winter sports such as sledding and other sliding devices. The use of helmets is required for the following activities: downhill skiing, snowboarding, and operation of snowmobiles (full-face helmets)."

I would like to remind you that when units engage in winter sports, they should only use designated areas where rocks, tree stumps, and other potential obstacles have been identified and marked, cleared away, shielded, or buffered in some way.

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